Author: astrolog
The Five of Wands comes after the stability and celebration of the four in the Suit of Wands.
The Four of Wands shows the activities that occur after the expansion of the third card in the Suit of Wands.
The Three of Wands shows, as with all threes, fertile ground and creativity. This is said to be the case
The Two of Wands follows the Ace and is a type of mirror image of the preceding card. Therefore Two in
The Ace of Wands card is the beginning of the Suit of Wands. This suit is represented by the element
The King of Pentacles is a very hard working man who sits atop his throne with a pentacle in his lap.
The Queen of Pentacles is seen here seated on a very opulent looking throne. She holds a pentacle in
The Knight of Pentacles shows a noble and strong looking knight in a full suit of armour. He is riding
The Page of Pentacles depicts a young man who is closer to his teen years dressed lavishly.
The Ten of Pentacles shows ten pentacles adorning an older man’s home as he sits in his garden with his