Zodiac Compatibility Horoscope

Horoscope compatibility for all zodiac signs, or how to know compatibility with zodiac signs? Here’s what’s most important astrologically when it comes to love, and how to fully explore zodiac sign compatibility with your partner.

When it comes to relationship success, it is important to be able to communicate with your partner and look into each other’s eyes. Compatibility is based on many factors, but learning about the signs compatible with your zodiac sign is an interesting and easy way to see if you will fall in love or run into someone on a superficial level. Astrological compatibility between zodiac signs can even serve as an indicator of a deeper connection – romantic or platonic.

Zodiac sign Women
Male zodiac sign
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Although you can get the most insight into astrological compatibility by carefully examining the natal charts of two people, in general you can find natural compatibility between two people whose birth charts display trines between their signs. A trine, which indicates that the two signs are four signs apart, is the most favorable and harmonious angle between the two signs.

Essentially, they are signs that are in the same element as your sign. A brief reminder of which signs fall where – and therefore are in trinity with each other:

Fire: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.
Earth: Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn.
Air: Gemini, Libra, Aquarius.
Water: Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces.
You can also consider the signs that are your sextiles. These signs are split into two signs and fall under a compatible element. Fire and air are as sympathetic as water and earth. Although the relationship is not celebrated as often as a trine, it is considered friendly and relaxed. Signs you are in sextile to, depending on your sign:

Aries: Gemini, Aquarius.
Taurus: Cancer, Pisces.
Gemini: Aries, Leo.
Cancer: Taurus, Virgo.
Leo: Gemini, Libra.
Virgo: Cancer, Scorpio.
Libra: Leo, Sagittarius.
Scorpio: Virgo, Capricorn.
Sagittarius: Libra, Aquarius.
Capricorn: Scorpio, Pisces.
Aquarius: Aries, Sagittarius.
Pisces: Taurus, Capricorn.

Astrologers often caution against jumping to conclusions – positive or negative – based solely on your sun sign, but, squares can indicate relationship problems. A square occurs between signs separated by three signs, and it’s pretty much the astrological version of a collision or headbutt.

Two square signs have the same quality: cardinal, volatile, or fixed. Cardinal signs are best at seeing the big picture but not so much in the details, volatile signs are the most flexible but can also struggle to comply, and fixed signs are determined on their best days and damn stubborn on their worst.

Having these traits in common may sound like a quick path to compatibility at first, but in the case of squares, too much of the same energy can cause conflict. The following signs are suitable for each other:

Aries: Cancer, Capricorn.
Taurus: Leo, Aquarius.
Gemini: Virgo, Pisces.
Cancer: Aries, Libra.
Leo: Scorpio, Taurus.
Virgo: Gemini, Sagittarius.
Libra: Cancer, Capricorn.
Scorpio: Leo, Aquarius.
Sagittarius: Virgo, Pisces.
Capricorn: Aries, Libra.
Aquarius: Taurus, Scorpio.
Pisces: Gemini, Sagittarius.

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