Aquarius zodiac sign: Personality traits, compatibility


Zodiac Sign / Sun Sign / Star Sign: Aquarius

  • Jan 21 to Feb 19
  • Lucky Numbers: 7, 1
  • Lucky Colours: Electric Blue, Silver, Cocoa
  • Aquarius Celebrities: Abraham Lincoln, Ronald Reagan, Christian Dior, Oprah Winfrey


The Water Carrier, Aquarius, is the birth sign of those born between January 20 and February 19. Uranus is the ruling planet and the element of this sign is air. People born under this sign possess many attractive personality traits, such as being friendly, honest, original and independent. There are two types of people under this sign:

  • Shy, sensitive, gentle and patient
  • Exuberant, lively and outgoing
  • In their own way, both groups are very strong willed, but are honest enough to change their opinions when they are proved wrong. They are not prejudiced and are tolerant of most viewpoints. They can often see the validity of an argument, even if they cannot accept it themselves.

    More about Aquarius…

    Those under the sign of Aquarius usually express themselves with reason and moderation. They are intelligent and logical, but at times they need to be alone. They are not followers and dislike anyone interfering in their affairs. They don’t make friends quickly and base many of their friendships on first impressions. If they don’t like someone as soon as they meet him/her, they don’t make much effort to pursue a friendship. If they find someone that they do like, they will become lifelong friends. When they get hurt in a relationship, they are often very unforgiving. They work best in groups as long as they play a leading role.

    Some of the faults that anyone under the sign of Aquarius usually has include being eccentric and an inclination to retreat from society. They can exhibit extreme temper preceded by bouts of sullenness and simmering anger. They do like to have fun and will fight for a good cause. They dislike anyone who gives them empty promises and imitations.

    In health matters, they are susceptible to leg cramps, conditions of the legs and ankles and with blood circulation.

    Aquarius is symbolized by the water bearer who kneels and pours out water as a modest service. This imagery reflects the cleansing and purifying qualities of water as well as the Aquarian need to serve. Aquarius is ruled by Uranus and has an air element.

    Aquarians are highly intelligent individuals and surf across the mental and theoretical world with ease. They are foresighted and their line of thinking usually many light years ahead of the rest of the world. However, sometime they could be so involved in their futuristic thoughts and inventions that like the proverbial absent-minded professor, they are out of touch with their day-to-day affairs.

    Those born under this symbol are unconventional in their tastes and stand out from the crowd. They are very humanitarian and sensitive to the feelings of others. Every typical Aquarius has an unquenchable desire to communicate and they do this with aplomb. They are frank and outspoken. They are also tolerant of the views of others and give them due respect.

    People of this Zodiac are drawn to big causes and extend support to them. They have a positive attitude to their life and goals, so any failures or disappointments along the way don’t deter them. They are connoisseurs of beauty and have good taste.

    They can be termed ‘cold fish’ by others as they appear rather aloof and stay firmly detached from deep emotional experiences. They can be quite temperamental with sudden mood changes that can throw those around them out of gear.

    Careers and Aquarians

    The best suited careers for Aquarians would be as researchers or scientists as they have a natural bent of mind towards these analytical careers. Aviation is another great choice where they can excel. Photography, computer technology, radiography or electronics are also areas where they can make a mark. When it comes to the Arts, they make accomplished writers, actors, mimics and educators.

    Love and Aquarius

    Aquarians tend to shy away from intimacy and this bit of emotional coolness may not bode well for the beginning of a romance. However, as things progress, Aquarians can be seductive lovers with a lot of imagination. They love seeking new pleasures so they in bed can be fantastic and creative lovers. The way to stimulate their sexual appetite is by whetting their mind!Aquarius rules the legs from knees to ankles and the circulation of blood. This makes them susceptible to ailments particularly in the legs and ankles, such as cramps, spasmodic and nervous complaints besides diarrhea, dropsy and goiter.

    Horoscopes of other Sun Signs

    Aries | Taurus | Gemini | Cancer | Leo | Virgo | Libra | Scorpio  | Sagittarius  | Capricorn  | Pisces |

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