About Being a Tarot Card Reader


For the tarot card reader deciding on a deck of tarot cards is also a part of reading the cards and the first deck they pick may not feel right when they read them or they may not feel right for a certain type of reading. There are many decks made and one way to help decide what tarot deck attracts the eye or heightens the senses is to search the internet and not only see what these decks look like, but also to read about them, know the history of the cards.

It is with this knowledge that a tarot card reader can pick the deck that will not only perform well for them but will tell them a story when laid out for the person they are reading for and this will fill not only the tarot reader but also the client with confidence that the reading is going well.

Above all whether a tarot card reader educates themselves to read these cards for them self or for others this is an art form that must be learned, studied, and even meditated over. A simple spread of cards is not simple at all as each of these cards tells a part of a story and this story can be from yesterday, today and tomorrow to aid in making decisions.

Tarot readers that have learned this art and wish to use it to generate a living have as many choices of how to go about this as they do about how to learn to read tarot cards. Today with the amount of people that have their tarot cards read and also use home computers on the Internet, this is a market for the tarot card reader to not only publicize their business but to also run their business over the Internet.


Rider Tarot

🔮 The Rider Tarot Deck

The pictorial images on all the cards allow interpretations without the need to repeatedly consult explanatory text. Rider-Waite Tarot was named one of the Top Ten Tarot Decks of All Time by Aeclectic Tarot.

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A tarot card reader today can place a website on the Internet and give readings over the Internet or by email and while this may seem impersonal many people who would like to have their tarot cards read either do not want to go see a tarot card reader in the town where they live out of embarrassment or they do not have a tarot card reader that is local to where they live. There are also people who like to have their tarot cards read that for one reason or another cannot leave their homes. These are clients that the Internet tarot reader is doing a service for that they would otherwise not be able to have the advantage of.

Another way for a tarot reader to start their business that is of little cost is to do readings from their home, of course the reading should be set up in a room such as a den where it is friendly, but it is not at the kitchen table so there is some business protocol to this as it is a business. For this tarot reader to get their name out to the public for clients they can use newspaper advertising, which is not overly expensive, or mailers and an advertisement in the phone book once they have built up a clientele.

Rider Waite

The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot

The Ultimate Guide to the Rider Waite Tarot details the ten most important symbols on each and every card in the deck complete with hundreds of illustrations for easy use.

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If a tarot card reader does very well in business, an office rental is an appropriate place to see their clients to read their cards, though this tarot reader must take care to place furnishings in this rental office that are friendly and inviting so the client will feel comfort when entering and not apprehensive.

This is one of the most important parts of being a tarot card reader, while many people want to have their tarot cards read they either feel odd about it or actually feel nervous about having their cards read so it is important to make a client feel at ease not only in the surroundings but also in the manner that you speak to them and read the tarot spread to them if they are to return to have their cards read again.

This is also why it is important to be well versed in the deck of tarot cards that is used, a client can have many questions and if this is a profession for the tarot card reader rather than a tarot reader who only does readings for family or friends then they must be educated in this deck to answer any questions.

One last tarot card reader that is often heard of today, and that is the telephone tarot card reader, this while not having the client in front of the tarot reader, they must also be well versed in the deck they are using as they must be able to answer any questions that may arise. This is a profession an must be treated as such if this tarot reader is to build their business and have repeat telephone calls as well as new ones.

For a tarot reader that has a true ability to read tarot cards for others a telephone while not the same as being there in person can still have the correct results from the tarot deck. The tarot reader and the client to form a relationship that will work well together for these readings and this relationship is what will keep the tarot reader in business.

Guided Tarot

🔮 Guided Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to Card Meanings, Spreads, and Intuitive Exercises for Seamless Readings

This comprehensive guide also shows you how to attune your energy to the deck for more accurate readings. Soon you’ll be confident in doing readings for yourself and even your friends.

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Not to be forgotten is the person who would like to have their tarot cards read, this can not only be enlightening but it can also be a fun and easy way to decide how to handle a problem. Having tarot cards read can give a notice of a problem that is going to occur that if thought about before it becomes a problem can be avoided completely or if it is not avoided it with prior thought it is not as hard to deal with as it could have been.

Maybe it is not a problem at all but a new person that should be looked for, one that if missed could be a great disappointment not to share life with and had the tarot cards not warned of this person in the future they might be passed by. While the tarot deck or the tarot reader should not make a persons every decision, a little advance warning that something new might come about can be a nice advantage and one that does not hurt a persons moral standing nor does it label them.

Many people use tarot cards and the tarot reader to help guide them in their life, just as one would use a book, tape, dvd or cd of motivational speaking to guide them.

Guide to Tarot

🔮 The Ultimate Guide to Tarot: A Beginner’s Guide to the Cards, Spreads, and Revealing the Mystery of the Tarot

Detailed interpretations for each card of the major and minor arcana, including their symbolism and meaning, reversed meaning, and links to astrology, kabbala, numerology, and chakras.

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