Key Terms: Love, Obsession, Quarrels, Choice, Affairs, Marriage, Beginning new relationships, Temptations, Loyalty, Romance, Commitments.
In Numerology: 6
Star Sign or Planet: Gemini
Yes or No answer: This card says Yes
Key dates: May 21 – June 21
The Lovers in an Upright Position
When The Lovers appears upright in a Tarot Reading, it signifies the union of masculine and feminine energies. This connection manifests through romantic relationships, dating, marriage, or deep emotional bonds. The presence of this Tarot Card Meaning suggests that the querent, or someone close to them, is undergoing relationship changes that indicate stronger commitment and personal growth. The attraction between the two figures is undeniable, and their connection is filled with passion, balance, and harmony.
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Detailed interpretations for each card of the major and minor arcana, including their symbolism and meaning, reversed meaning, and links to astrology, kabbala, numerology, and chakras.
However, The Lovers card is not just about love—it also highlights choices and duality. In Tarot Cards, it can represent a struggle between lust and love, passion and reason, or commitment and temptation. The querent may be faced with an important decision regarding their romantic life. This could mean contemplating leaving a current partner for someone new or questioning whether their partner is considering another relationship. Either way, this Tarot Card Meaning emphasizes the importance of making thoughtful, deliberate choices rather than acting impulsively. The Lovers teaches that true harmony comes from understanding and integrating opposing forces.
The Lovers in Tarot Reading and the Complexity of Love
In Tarot Cards Prediction, The Lovers can also symbolize temptation and adultery if surrounded by certain cards. The presence of Swords and Pentacles, particularly the Queen of Pentacles, may indicate secrecy, conflict, or difficult romantic decisions. This reflects the duality of love, where passion and morality sometimes collide.
Beyond romance, this card represents deep friendships, emotional bonds, and soul connections. The two figures depicted often symbolize individuals who have been together for many years—perhaps even since childhood. Whether in romantic or platonic relationships, the bond shown in this Tarot Card Meaning is profound and influential in the querent’s life.
For those who are single, The Lovers is a powerful omen in Tarot Reading, signaling that they may soon be ready to start dating or form a meaningful connection. A significant romantic interest could appear, or an old love from the past may resurface, bringing memories of previous relationships and unspoken feelings. This card serves as a reminder that love, in all its forms, is a transformative force, shaping personal growth, emotional fulfillment, and life-altering decisions.
The Lovers in a Reversed Position
An inverted Lovers card shows the two companions upside down and hanging with arms open in a vulnerable splay. They seem at the mercy of the divine as if they are imploring the force between them to save them from certain death. This position of reversal represents broken relations and conflict between the male and female. There may be divorce on the horizon or simply bickering between husband and wife.
There may be mood swings and nit-picking that provoke larger reactions than are appropriate for the situation. There could be a severing of communications. The severity of this break is dictated by the position and nature of each surrounding card. There may also be someone who is against the couple being together. This may be a family member, friend, or jealous outsider. This shows a warning to work on communicating better and safeguard your relationship where possible against infidelity and interlopers that are looking to drive the lovers apart.
One party of the union may decide to seek comfort and company with another, which could signify unmet needs. The querent can minimize this by doing their part to remain faithful to their partner, or if approached by a coupled individual, refuse to play a role in their infidelity.
This should be taken as a warning to avoid engaging in an affair, and forewarns that the opportunity will present itself within your relationship or the relationship of someone close to you or your partner. Take care to tune in to each other as well. This will help to keep the quarrels small where they could be much more serious.
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The pictorial images on all the cards allow interpretations without the need to repeatedly consult explanatory text. Rider-Waite Tarot was named one of the Top Ten Tarot Decks of All Time by Aeclectic Tarot.
On the contrary, the querent may be experiencing angst regarding unrequited love of some kind and could be taking stock of their feelings and the goings-on that relate to their love interest. They could also be focused on this unfounded love interest. A possibility of obsession is present, so one must lay down all past loves and focus on the union at hand in order to come out of this conflict with the feelings for their partner fully renewed.
Symbolism and History of the Lovers
Here, we see the card of the Lovers, which depicts an unclothed version of both the male and female. Depending on the deck you are using, there may be trees behind both the male and female: representing life and choices between good and evil. An angel or God himself above them in the sky, keeping them under a watchful eye of protection. The man may be gazing at his lover while his female counterpart looks to the skies.
The Lovers shows a union of logic with emotion, female with the male, and their mutualistic nature is very apparent. There is a feeling like one cannot live without the other. Much like the principle of the yin yang, the male and female are light and dark respectively. There is harmony between them, and complete balance is shown as if the illustration can be made into a scale if it is drawn over each part of the couple joined by the angel.
The Lovers is labelled as Card 6 in the tarot deck and shows the Fool’s journey as he encounters relationships, and romantic partnerships in particular. There is one train of thought that suggests that the man is the basic intelligence that all of conscious humanity utilizes, followed by the woman who is tuning into the divine above instead of her lover. This signifies female attachment to the divine, powers to see into the subconscious, and a connectedness with God above connectedness with the man. One figure does not overpower the other, and they are seemingly bonded to one another through an invisible means that suggests a magnetic attraction that surpasses the physical elements of this plain.
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